OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-ins for Office

Table of Contents


The release of version 4.0 contains Office 2010 compatibility and ISO 29500 compliance. The old version of ODF translator was compliance with "OpenXML specification released by Microsoft/ECMA in 2006" . In addition to this, few new features have been implemented for Excel and PPT. In v4.0, Add-in can consume a variety of OpenXML dialects including ISO standard documents but when producing OpenXML documents it mainly follows IS29500 “transitional” mode.

Highlights of ODF Add-in for Word 4.0

For a detailed list of improvements please see the Release Note and the Sign-off report document published on SourceForge.

Highlights of ODF Add-in for Excel 4.0

For a detailed list of implementation in V4.0 please see the Release Note and the Sign-off report document published on SourceForge.

Highlights of ODF Add-in for PowerPoint 4.0

ODF Add-in for Powerpoint 3.0 has been released. Below are the list of Implemented Features.

For a detailed list of implementation in V4.0 please see the Release Note and the Sign-off report document published on SourceForge.

Software Requirements

Before installing the ODF Add-in for Word, Excel or PowerPoint, make sure you have the following installed on your PC:




ODF Add-in for Microsoft Office

You can download the Single MSI Installer "ODF Add-in for Microsoft Office" from our download page on

OpenXML/ODF Translator Command Line Tools

You can download the Command Line Tools from our download page on

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Installing the Add-in for Microsoft Office

ODF Add-in for Microsoft Office

Click the OdfAddInForOfficeSetup-en-4.0.exe

If installation is successful, you should be able to open an ".ODF" file from Microsoft Office (see menu"File>ODF...->Open ODF"). Also, when right-clicking on a ".ODF" file in explorer, you should have the option to open the document in Microsoft Office (menu "Open with Microsoft Office").

Important note: The ODF file opened by the add-in is imported in Microsoft Word as a read-only OOX file. If you want to save it as ODF, you will have to first make a copy of the document("Menu>Save As") and then use the "Export as ODF" menu.

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OpenXML/ODF Translator Command Line Tools

OpenXML/ODF Translator Command Line Tools are an additional resource enabling a stand-alone conversion from OpenXML formats to ODF formats and vice-versa. An installation of Microsoft Office is not required.

Minimum Software Requirements

The command line tools require .NET Framework 2.0 SP1.


To install the command line tools, simply unzip the downloaded file into a folder of your choice.


To use the command line tools, open a console and type the following:

OdfConverter.exe /I Filename [/O PathOrFilename] [/V]


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Silent Mode Installation

The following Office applications and versions are supported: Installation

Extract the executable file to a location of your choice using the following parameters [path] is the location where the extracted installation files are stored, e.g. c:\SilentInst\)


To use the command line tools, open a console and type the following:

OdfAddInForOfficeSetup-[xx].exe /C /T:(path) 

Install the add-in using one of the following commands:

For All Users :
msiexec /i OdfAddInForOfficeSetup-[xx].msi /q ALLUSERS=1
For Single Users :
msiexec /i OdfAddInForOfficeSetup-[xx].msi /q  

Important Note:[xx] is the language code of the Add-In, e.g. ‘en’ for the English version or ‘de’ for the German version


Uninstall the add-in using one of the following commands (depending on the add-in version you are using).

The command for Uninstallation:

msiexec /x OdfAddInForOfficeSetup-[xx].msi /q ALLUSERS=1

Please note that the ALLUSERS parameter should only be specified if it has been set during installation

For more information, refer to the Silent Mode Installation Guide

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For troubleshooting problems with ODF Add-in for Microsoft Office , please refer to our Troubleshooting Guide.

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Source distribution


You can download the complete source code from our download page on

Minimum Software Requirements

To compile the source distribution, you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or the free Microsoft Visual C# 2005 edition.

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